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Sarah Grace Awad

Art + Fashion + Magic


Sarah is a creative soul in a capitalist world. She uses her art to make the harsh realities of our current environment more palatable. She does that by making products by hand with ethically sourced materials. Her hope is to create enough beauty in the world to bring healing and magic into as many lives as possible. Visit the shop and portfolio to see more of what Sarah finds beautiful.


Sarah uses recycled materials found in local thrift stores and transforms them into clothes and jewelry. While she does still need to purchase supplies from “the man” from time to time, most materials are either sourced locally, or purchased through environmentally conscience organizations that consider ink and print runoff pollution in their process. Understanding that ethical consumption in late capitalism is impossible, she is doing her best to lead with her heart.


Sarah is a self identified witch and uses her magic to bring beauty and healing into the world. She uses tarot cards and spirit guides as psychological tools to look at life from new perspectives. She dabbles with pagan traditions as a way to breathe a little fun into the otherwise mundane. Sarah is a woman of science and logic, but can find joy and wonder in the small ceremonies that have been performed for thousands of years. Through these actions, she can connect to the history of witches. She is grateful to the loud and unapologetic women through the ages who were criticized as witches and spinsters and punished for embracing their independence. She hopes to honor their memory by reclaiming the terminology and applying it to her own loud and unapologetic life. She encourages you to suspend your skepticism and find a little magic, witchcraft and wonder in your life.